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Luminance Contrast Requirements

Luminance Contrast is the amount of light reflected between two difference surfaces. AS1428.4.1-2009 requires a luminance contrast in a range of 30% to 60% based on the type of building elements proposed.

To achieve compliance with the BCA 2019, the following requirements apply:

- 30% luminance contrast to signage, doors and architraves, visual glazing strips, non-slip nosings, accessible toilet seats, lift buttons and TGSIs (tactile indicators); and

- Additional luminance contrast requirements apply to discrete and composite TGSIs. A 45% luminance contrast is required for discrete TGSIs to the background surface and 60% luminance contrast is required to composite TGSIs (2 colours) to the background surface.

The true luminance contrast can only measured with specific tools i.e. Tristimulus Colorimeter, Spectrophotometer, Photometer. If this is required, specialist companies are available to undertake these tests.