BCA/NCC 2019

What’s changed?


Quantifying many of the NCC Performance Requirements to provide more performance-based compliance options is a key feature of NCC 2019.  You’ll see more Performance Requirements quantified with the introduction of 20 new Verification Methods (VMs). 


The ABCB’s readability project aims to improve the NCC requirements to be more readily understood. Introducing consistent NCC Governing Requirements is the first step of this major piece of work with all three Volumes of the NCC having the same requirements from 2019. Significant changes have also been made to the structure of NCC Volume Three, the Plumbing Code of Australia. 

NCC Volumes One and Two


New VM for construction in bushfire-prone areas.

Health and amenity

New condensation management provisions.


New VMs for access to and from a building and for ramps.


Energy efficiency changes are subject to a 1 year transition period from 1 May 2019, during which time, either the NCC 2016 or NCC 2019 requirements may be used.

New heating and cooling load limits for residential buildings using the NatHERS DTS compliance pathway.

NCC Volume One only


Fire sprinklers
New DTS Provisions for fire sprinkler systems, for apartment buildings and other residential buildings (i.e. Class 2 and 3 buildings) 4 storeys and above and up to 25 metres in effective height (generally those buildings 4 to 8 storeys).

Occupiable outdoor areas

New DTS Provisions clarifying requirements for occupiable outdoor areas, such as roof-top bars and cinemas. 

Fire safety VM

A new, non-mandatory VM for fire safety introduced (NCC Schedule 7). This VM can be used for developing a Performance Solution for up to 24 Performance Requirements. Its adoption will be delayed until 1 May 2020 to allow time for training and support. 


Energy efficiency
The commercial building energy efficiency requirements (i.e. Section J) are significantly changed, including new VMs for NABERS and Green Star. This change is subject to a 1 year transition period from 1 May 2019, during which time, either the NCC 2016 or NCC 2019 requirements may be used.


Accessible adult change facilities (AACF)

AACFs are sanitary facilities with additional features to assist people with more profound or complex disabilities who are unable to independently use standard accessible facilities. New requirements mean these facilities are required in certain new or redeveloped public buildings such as shopping centres, museums, theatres, sporting venues and airports.

NCC 2019 Key Dates

Preview released - February 2019

NCC 2019 adopted - May 2019

Energy efficiency transition ends - May 2020

FSVM adopted - May 2020