Handrail Extensions for Stairs & Ramps
Handrail extensions are important safety features as required by AS1428.1-2009, as they ensure the safety of everyone who’s using the stair or ramp especially those with an ambulant or vision impairment.
According to the requirements of AS1428.1-2009, handrail extensions are required as outlined below:
Ramps including 1 in 14 graded ramps require top and bottom 300mm extensions in the direction of travel. The extensions are required on both handrails to provide the ramp user with additional support whilst transitioning from the inclined surface to the landing. The 300mm extension can only return 90 degrees at a mid-landing (not top and bottom landings).
Stairs (except handrails in fire isolated stairs) require a 300mm top extensions and 550mm bottom extensions (i.e. one tread width + 300mm) in the direction of travel. The bottom 300mm extension can return 90 degrees at a stairway mid-landing, however the 250mm extension (one tread width) cannot. The extensions are required on both handrails to provide the stair user with additional support whilst transitioning from the last tread to the landing.
Where handrails are provided to 1 in 20 walkways or 1 in 10 graded step ramps as edge protection, the 300mm extensions are also required to provide the additional support.
Generally we find most builders and handrail installers adhere to the above requirements, however on the odd occasion there is a misconception that handrail extensions at top and bottom landings can turn 90 degrees even if the path of travel is in the same direction as the ramp or stair.
We advise builders and handrail installers that handrail extensions are extremely important as they provide additional support for people with ambulant disabilities, elderly people or those with vision impairments.
In cases where the handrails extensions can’t be provided (assessed on a case by case basis), we can prepare a performance solution to address the non-compliance.