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Overhead Clearances Within A Carpark

There are two standards which are used to identify the accessible car parking requirements within a development. They include AS2890.6-2009 (Parking facilities—Off-street parking for people with disabilities) and AS4299-1995 (Adaptable Housing). It is noted driveway isles and ramps require a 2.2m overhead clearance.

AS2890.6-2009 requires a car parking space of 2.4m width and 5.4m length allocated to a dedicated shared zone with an additional 2.4m width and 5.4m length. The overhead clearance required within the car parking space and shared zone is 2.5m.

AS4299-1995 requires a 3.8m wide and 6m long accessible car parking without a shared zone. The 6m length can be reduced to 5.4m length where the ground surface at the start of the car space is at the same level as the car space. The 2.5m overhead clearance requirement is not considered as essential criteria for AS4299-1995 i.e. Class C Compliance, however essential for Class A and B.

The overhead clearance requirements are mainly for people with a disability who use ceiling hoists for wheelchairs. The most popular car ceiling hoist in Australia is the Wymo Hoist. Due to the swinging arm of the ceiling hoist a 2.5m clearance to any obstructions such as beams, pipes, cable trays and sprinklers is required.

On a case by case basis, where the overhead clearances are not achievable, a performance solution report can be prepared to demonstrate compliance with the performance requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA).